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$250 per person

Intermediate / Advanced Course


$230 returning student or couples discount

$125 per person deposit due at registration to hold spot

The goal of this class is to learn to manage your environment from arms length to 50 yards. 


By the end of this class you will be able to:

1. Be thoroughly familiar with your tactical shotgun and your capabilities with it. 

2. Improve all aspects of your marksmanship, gun handling, and mindset. 

3. Be able to shoot from a variety of positions and conform to available cover. 

4. Shoot range drills, school drills, and shotgun El Presidente. 

5. Shoot on the move and get off the line of attack. 

6. Transition from shotgun to pistol. 

7. Understand the different tactics employed in your home and your place of business with live fire simulations. 


Student needs to bring an applicable tactical shotgun in 12 or 20 gauge and five boxes (120 rounds) of ammunition. Nothing larger than 7.5 shot, nothing with velocities exceeding 1350 fps. ABSOLUTELY NO SLUGS OR BUCKSHOT ALLOWED!!  Under certain circumstances, and for a fee, students may use one of our tactical shotguns for the class. Please call for details. 

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