$175 per person
Intermediate Course
$155 returning student or couples discount
$75 per person deposit due at registration to hold spot
This course focuses on personal defensive techniques and the development of a proper defensive mindset. The goal of the course is to develop in the student the knowledge, skills, and attitude to use a concealed pistol ethically, responsibly, and with confidence.
By the end of this course, you will be able to:
1. Understand the importance of carrying and using a pistol responsibly and ethically for personal protection.
2. How the apply the NRA rules for safe gun handling to concealed carry.
3. Understand the basic principals of concealment.
4. Make a decision between concealed and open carry.
5. Practice mental awareness of your surroundings, making you a much more difficult target for an attacker.
6. Develop an effective defensive mindset for carrying and using a pistol for personal protection.
7. Practice techniques for avoiding armed confrontations before they occur.
8. Understand the physiological and psychological stresses that may occur during an attack.
9. Present a pistol from concealment, including holsters, carry bags, etc.
10. Get on target with your pistol much more quickly using a flash sight picture.
11. Reload your pistol in a stressful situation.
12. Clear common stoppages, including dealing with jams & stoppages under stress.
13. Have a much better chance of retaining control of the your pistol in an attack.
14. Understand the correct utilization of cover or concealment in a defensive shooting situation.
15. Become proficient enough to practice using strong hand, weak hand, and retention positions in shooting drills.
16. Make an informed decision on the type and caliber of your personal protection pistol.
17. Make a decision on carry methods including holsters, carry bags, carry garments, etc.
** You must have a service caliber handgun (.380 to 45 ACP)
The student needs to be able to bring 24 rounds of ammunition to the line between the capacity of your pistol and your spare magazines or speed loaders. You need a quality holster that completely covers the trigger and maintains control of the pistol during any normal day to day movements. A magazine carrier or speed loader pouch is not required, but is highly recommended.